The NQF Research Conference-2010

The NQF Research Conference-2010

SAQA organized an NQF-related research conference with the theme “Communication, coordination, collaboration for quality in education, training, development and work”. The Departments of Higher Education and Training and Basic Education; the three Quality Councils; universities, SETAs, and other organizations engaged in NQF-related research were invited to participate.

Since the NQF is a device to assist relational thinking – thinking about the education and training system as a whole, and how its constituent parts relate to each other and to the world of work – it is important for there to be a mind-map of NQF-related research. The aim of this Conference was to start to work towards such a map, to bring together researchers working within and between the fields of education, training and work within the country, to highlight opportunities for synergy as well as gaps. SAQA deliberately organized the conference without parallel sessions, and the conference book Towards a map of NQF-related research in South Africa with its differing themes, to enable holistic consideration of the system.

Presentations at the conference itself, and sub-sections within the conference book have been clustered under the following themes, each reflecting principles in the new NQF Act (No. 67 of 2008):

    • Interpreting and implementing the NQF.
    • Facilitating access to education and training in South Africa.
    • Enhancing quality, articulation, and progression in education and training.
    • Work and learning.
    • Understanding patterns, trends, and needs in an integrated education and training system in South Africa.
    • Understanding the impact of the NQF and addressing employability.

Towards a map of NQF-related research in South Africa is by no means a comprehensive account of all NQF-related research in the country. We do argue however, that because a wide range of types of organization was approached for contributions, that you will find a meaningful representation of a first map of NQF-related research currently underway, recently completed, or planned. This book and the conference presentations can be viewed on this website. Hard copies of Towards a map of NQF-related research are available on request.

Start Date
End Date
Kopanong Hotel and Conference Centre