SAQA Bulletin: Volume 12 Number 1: November 2011

SAQA Bulletin: Volume 12 Number 1: November 2011

This edition of the Bulletin is based on a South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and International Labour Organisation (ILO) Symposium on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The overarching purpose of the conference was to enable engagement with the nature of NQFs by focusing on the theoretical ideas as well as the development of the NQF in South Africa and beyond.

The first paper identifies and explores different historical understandings of NQFs and interrogates their implications. The second paper considers approaches to the development of an NQF, from which a French NQF case study is used to illustrate how an NQF can bring about change in a system. The third paper is a collection of research findings that relate to NQFs and outline the ILOā€™s mission on skills development.

The fourth paper looks into the NQF Advocacy project in South Africa and emphasises its importance as valuable insight for other countries. Lastly is a paper on reflections of NQFs following a conference organised by SAQA and the ILO. The authors of this paper used the debates presented by participants of the symposium as issues for discussion.

Contents of this Bulletin

  1. Foreword
  2. Editorial Comments
  3. What is the South African National Qualifications Framework and how can its impact be measured?
  4. Classification of qualifications: in praise of relevance
  5. The implementation and labour market impact of National Qualifications Frameworks: synopsis of ILO research findings
  6. Taking the NQF to the people: thoughts on the South African NQF Advocacy Project
  7. Militant Modesty: Communication and impact in the mission of the National Qualifications Framework