Ensuring the Continuity of Lifelong Learning through the Transition of Pre-2009 Qualifications

Ensuring the Continuity of Lifelong Learning through the Transition of Pre-2009 Qualifications

The South African education system has undergone significant transformation with the establishment and evolution of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and its three sub-frameworks managed by QCTO, CHE and Umalusi respectively. A key outcome of these changes and the maturing of the sub frameworks, is the need to align qualifications to the needs of industry, including pre-2009 qualificationsā€”developed before the introduction of the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF)ā€”with the current ten-level qualifications framework. This process is essential to ensure that learners continue to benefit from a clear, accessible, and relevant system that supports lifelong learning.

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