Policies & Criteria

Policy and Criteria for the Registration of Qualifications and Part-Qualifications

The goal of the Policy and Criteria for the Registration of Qualifications and Part-qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is to strengthen accountability within our education, training and development system and to make visible the quality and parity of all qualifications registered on the NQF. The implementation of this policy will contribute to the […]

Policy and Criteria for the Registration of Qualifications and Part-Qualifications Read More Ā»

Addendum on Recognition of Qualifications of Refugees and Asylum Seekers March 2019

The Recognition of Qualifications of Refugees and Asylum Seekers is provided in addition to the Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications policy. The document pays attention to the peculiarity of circumstance for refugees and asylum seekers in the application of evaluation and mentions how SAQA will assist in the process of recognising and evaluating qualifications in such

Addendum on Recognition of Qualifications of Refugees and Asylum Seekers March 2019 Read More Ā»

National Policy and Criteria for the Implementation of RPL (Amended in March 2019)

The National Policy for the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) provides for the implementation of RPL within the context of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act 67 of 2008. We trust that through this Policy it will be possible to work collectively towards demonstrably changing the lives of RPL candidates, including workers and

National Policy and Criteria for the Implementation of RPL (Amended in March 2019) Read More Ā»

Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF (as amended) March 2017

The policy on the Evaluation of Foreign Qualifications provides the criteria and principles that SAQA adheres to in evaluation processes. The aim of the criteria and principles is promoting consistency in the evaluation of foreign qualifications. The evaluation process involves locating foreign qualifications within the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF), indicating priority of the

Policy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF (as amended) March 2017 Read More Ā»

Foreign Qualifications Evaluation Revocation Policy

The Foreign Qualifications Evaluation Revocation Policy provides grounds on which SAQA revoke a Foreign Qualification Evaluation Certificate. The policy enlists the principles guiding revocation as well as the process thereof. Included in the policy is also an outline of the rights and obligations of qualification holders in the event of the revocation of an evaluation

Foreign Qualifications Evaluation Revocation Policy

Foreign Qualifications Evaluation Appeal Policy

The appeal policy in the evaluation of foreign qualifications frames the guidelines that SAQA follows in the event of an appeal. The policy states the rights that qualification holders have in appealing against qualification recognition decisions as well as the grounds for appeal. The appeal structures and the process of lodging an appeal are detailed

Foreign Qualifications Evaluation Appeal Policy

National Policy and Criteria for Designing and Implementing Assessment for NQF Qualifications and Part-Qualifications and Professional Designations in South Africa

This Policy sets minimum criteria and provides guidance for effective, valid, reliable and consistent, fair and transparent, and appropriate assessment in the context of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). It intends to contribute to the quality of learning and assessment for all learners and educators. The Policy was developed in line with the principles of

National Policy and Criteria for Designing and Implementing Assessment for NQF Qualifications and Part-Qualifications and Professional Designations in South Africa Read More Ā»

Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework

The Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT) promotes articulation between qualifications within and across the three Sub-Frameworks of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and has the potential to improve access to the world of work. As well as setting out the principles on which the CAT system is based, this Policy explains aspects of

Policy for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework Read More Ā»

Level Descriptors for the South African National Qualifications Framework

The purpose of the Level Descriptors is to support the design and implementation of qualifications and part qualifications within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). They have been designed to contribute to coherence in learning achievement and facilitate evaluation criteria for comparability and thus articulation within the NQF. The Level Descriptors reflect a broad agreement on

Level Descriptors for the South African National Qualifications Framework Read More Ā»